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     Remember the phrase "I tell you the truth," is always used to correct a misunderstanding or to advance a new thought.

     In this chapter Jesus reveals Himself as the Good Shepherd.  In the mideast, sheep were not bred so much for food but more for their wool.  The shepherd protected his sheep from many dangers they would face.  In the hills were wild animals, cliffs, and robbers.  The shepherd always led his sheep and protected them with his rod.  The shepherd talked to his sheep, and they grew to know and trust his voice.  If someone else called to them, they would run away because they knew the voice of their true shepherd.  Read Psalm 23 in the light of seeing Jesus as our true shepherd.

     The word "saved" is an abused cliche in our Christian vocabulary, but an essential word of the faith.  Most of us, because of pride and self-will, never like to admit we are lost and in need of a savior.  To understand the Gospel is to realize that we in our own strength, goodness, or will can never enter the gates of heaven.

     Here are the characteristics of the Good Shepherd:

1.  Knows His sheep
2.  His sheep know Him
3.  The Shepherd knows God
4.  Dies for His sheep
5.  Seeks gentle sheep that follow His example, they learn from the shepherd
6.  Loved by the Father
7.  Always had His resurrection in mind

     At the cross Jesus was the savior of the world.  At the cross Jesus gave His life as a full and complete payment for the sin of the world.  At the cross we must surrender our will, realizing we are incapable of paying for our sin, that only Jesus, our sinless Savior, could pay the price.  It is when we claim the death and resurrection of Jesus as the payment for our sin that we are forgiven and saved.

     God's sheep hear the voice of Jesus calling them to eternal life. (See John 10:10.)  God created us in His image with an inner sense of eternity.  Jesus claims He has the power to give eternal life.  Do you hear Him calling to you?  Jesus clearly states who He is in verse 30, "I and the Father are one."

     Jesus is the unique Son of God who has dwelt with God from eternity.  This is the crux of faith, the core of Christianity!  Without Jesus being divine we have no savior.

     There is a logical progression of faith or unbelief.  Either Jesus is who He claimed to be or He is a liar and not capable of His claims.  Each of us will be called to choose.  We are not given the option of indifference.  Which side have you chosen?  Are you ready to receive what He will give you, with thanksgiving, in expectancy and assurance of salvation?

     We cannot come to Jesus and still cherish sin in our heart.  The Lord will not listen to someone who wants to come to Him on his own terms.  If you are seeking to know Jesus and want to have the assurance of eternal life with Him, ask Him right now!  Ask Jesus to cleanse you from your sin.  Tell Him that you believe He is the Son of God sent down from the Father as a payment for the sin of the world and, most specifically, yours.  Tell Him you believe in His resurrection and the power He has to enable you to live a life for Him as His child.  Tell Him you want to follow and obey His leadership in your life.   Ask Him for the power of His Holy Spirit to so fill your heart that you are a new person.  Thank Him, for now you belong to Him.  Praise be to God! (Reread John 10:27-30.)