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     In Chapter 14 we see Jesus preparing His disciples for life without His physical presence among them.  The disciples were gripped with fear.  They had given up everything to follow Him.  If He left they felt they would have nothing.  Jesus gives them his answer to their fears in John 14:1-4: They must not be troubled, rather they must trust in God.  They were asked to replace depression and despair with belief and hope.  The disciples were asked to trust in the work of Jesus and in the one whom Jesus would send.

     If you are a believer, you know that the return of Jesus enables the Christian to live in confidence in the difficult circumstances of today.  You know that eternal life not only has fulfillment in the future but also in the present.  We replace our fear of death with reliance on the source of life.  Nothing, not even death, should trouble you or me, except personal sin. (See Ephesians 1:18).  You know that the Holy Spirit will guide you and comfort you today and everyday.

     In verse 6 Jesus states His true purpose: "I am the way, the truth and the life."  In verse 9 Jesus clearly tells Philip who He is.  Jesus is the only way to salvation.  He is truly God in the flesh speaking God's words: Jesus is forgiveness, abundant life, and eternal life.

     Jesus knew that only in His death and resurrection could He send the Holy Spirit that would enable the disciples to do the same work which He did.  They would accomplish even greater work. (Even greater refers to the number of future believers.)  However, they could not accomplish this without the Holy Spirit's help.

     John 14:16 contains a reference to the Trinity.  "And I will ask the Father and He will give you another Counselor who will be with you forever."   "I" is separate from the "Father."  The counselor is a person separate from both Father and Son.  The Trinity cannot be fully understood with our finite minds, yet there are verses in Scripture that show the plural yet singular aspects of God.  Genesis 1:26 says, "Then God said, Let us make man in our image."  Duet. 6:4 is "The Lord is one." John 14:10 says "I am in the Father, and that the Father is in me." 1 Corinthians 13:14 states " May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all."  God the Father is seen as the planner.  God the Son executed God's design, and God the Holy Spirit makes Scripture alive and meaningful, giving us the power to live as Christ would.  We need a helper to read Scripture.  Ask Jesus for the help of the Holy Spirit as you study John.  The Holy Spirit communicates Himself to the person who chooses to receive the objective truth of God's revelation in the Bible.  The disciples only had Jesus with them, never in them during Jesus' earthly ministry.  When we claim the promises of Jesus in our own lives, He comes and indwells us with His Spirit.

     In John 14:19 we see the essence of the teaching of Jesus, " Because I live, you also will live."  How do we show God we love Him?  By knowing His Word and obeying it. (Read Revelation 3:20 with John 14:23.)  In John 14:27 Jesus says "I give you my peace."  Jesus gives the peace of eternal life and the peace of the indwelling presence of Himself.  He knew the disciples would have trouble pitted against the world system controlled by the secret power of lawlessness (Satan).  He asked them to refuse to be troubled, anxious, or indulge themselves by dwelling on foreboding thoughts or circumstances.  "If you love me, you would be glad," He said in verse 28.  Jesus was asking His disciples what He asks each of us, "Do you trust me?"

     Jesus knew the battle that He would face with the "prince of this world."  Jesus was about to meet Satan in mortal combat at Gethsemane and Calvary.   Jesus fully understood the dimensions of the battle that was about to occur.  Our Lord had no weak spots for Satan to attack.  John 14:30 says "He has no hold on me, but the world must learn that I love the Father and that I do exactly what my Father has commanded me."  Jesus never really looked on His tormentors, only upon the will of His Father.  The result of His victory means Jesus will never lose any who are redeemed by the power of His blood.

     Are you sure that Jesus is now within you through the person of the Holy Spirit?  See John 14:17, Romans 8:9, and Ephesians 1:13-14.  If not, He may be knocking.  To open your heart to Jesus is to be willing to see Him as the way, the truth and the life, to see ourselves worthy of eternal life, not on the basis of who we are or what we have done, but because of His love.  If you want to have Him live in your heart, all you have to do is ask.   Do not worry about feelings, or "experience."  Faith must act on the knowledge of God's promise and desire of your heart.  The "feelings" will come sooner or later after the deliberate exercise of faith found in Romans 10:10-11.

     If you are a believer because you have received Jesus as Savior and Lord, are you yielding your will to Him in every part of your life?  Read 1 Corinthians 6:19-20, 1 Corinthians 3:16-17, Galations 5:16, 5:22-25 and Ephesians 4:30.