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     In this chapter Jesus gives us the secret of happiness and the fulfilled life.  The human personality can never experience true fulfillment outside of Christ.  Romans 8:29 states that we are made for God and to glorify Him.  Your heart will always be restless until you find rest in God through Christ.

     Jesus wanted to deliver his disciples from the futility and hopeless burden of trying to fulfill God's high standard on their own.  He wanted them to understand that just as they could not save themselves by following the law, they were completely inadequate for the task that lay ahead of them.  These now eleven disciples would be asked to build the Christian church, write parts of the New Testament, and evangelize the existing world.  They would be bound by frustration until understanding that Christ not them was completely adequate for the task ahead.  Then, as now, we must put out our hand in faith and follow Jesus' command to abide in Him.  According to the measure in which we abide in Christ, we will produce the fruit of the Spirit.  See Galatians 5:22  In our own strength we might become rich, and give an impression of success to others, but the ultimate test of success in life is the test of eternity.  Only in and through Christ can we produce works that will last.

     As we follow Christ we will come to understand: It is a privilege to be a co-laborer with Christ.  In order to labor for Christ, we must know what His will is.   Today we remain in Christ when we read and apply His Words in the Bible.  We show people to Christ by our love.  We cannot love others with our own strength.  We must give up trying and yield expectantly to Him.  See John 15:12-14.  If you believe in Christ, He calls you His friend.  See John 15:15.  When we abide in Christ, we also have the promise that we can ask God for anything, because our will becomes God's will!

     To share in Christ's work we must also be willing to share in some of Christ's rejection.  If you as a Christian are experiencing no persecution, it could mean that you are not making a difference for Christ.  Jesus experienced hostility in this world as all Christians will when you follow Him.  However, beware of thinking you are being persecuted for your belief, when in fact you may be obnoxious or over-demanding.  When we do face persecution it must be for Christ's sake.  When we are linked with God's will, our lives will demonstrate love, joy, peace, patience, gentleness, goodness and self control.  Being a Christian does not mean we live critical, unsympathetic, lazy, dull, boring or joyless lives.  We are each going to stand before a Holy God.  Let us remember an old epitaph, "Only one life, 'twill soon be past, only what's done for Christ will last!"