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     Much of what is considered Christianity today is based on heresy.  People have exchanged the truth of God, as found in the Bible, for their own personal interpretation of who and what they think God should be.

     In this chapter we see Jesus telling His disciples that they will face hostility in this world.  While He was with them, He countered the hostility and had it directed to Himself.  However, now He was going to leave.  He did not want them to let unexpected opposition shake their faith.  When Jesus told them "It is for your good that I am going away.  Unless I go away, the Counselor will not come to you," the disciples became depressed.  They could not even ask, "Where are you going?"  They could not understand that on earth Jesus was confined by time and space, but through the Counselor, the Holy Spirit, He can be with each of us always. (See Matthew 28:20)

     From verses 8-11 we read the work of the Holy Spirit is to convict the world of:

1.  Sin-- We will recognize we are sinners in the eyes of a Holy God, and in need of a Savior.
2.  Righteousness-- The Holy Spirit convicts people that the words of God are true.  It is the Holy Spirit who enables us to confess with our mouth and believe in our hearts that Jesus is Lord. (See Romans 10:9-10)
3.  Judgment-- There will be a judgment.  Either one believes that he is a sinner and comes to Jesus acknowledging His sin asking for forgiveness, gratefully receiving God's Savior, or one remains under judgment and awaits the final judgment by God without a savior.

     Romans 16:23 states that the punishment for sin is death.  There is only one sin which cannot be forgiven.  That sin is the rejection of Jesus, the one who died to remove man's guilt and sin.

     It is through the Holy Spirit that Jesus is exalted as Lord in our heart and life. (See 1 Corinthiansl2:3)  The Holy Spirit does not glorify Himself but glorifies Jesus.   Jesus becomes more and more real in our hearts as we apply His Words in our daily life.  The Holy Spirit enables us to live them and gives power to communicate them to others.  The believer is able to pray with confidence using the name of God's beloved Son who is our Savior and Lord.  It is impossible to be neutral about the need for a Savior.  Either we choose the way of the cross, or the way of separation and death.  When you are in Christ you are never alone, for God is with you.  Take heart, the victory is secure in Him! (See John 16:33 and 1 John 4:4)