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     At this time the Jewish people were very prejudiced toward the Samaritans, so much so that they would try not to walk through Samaria.  To this Samaritan woman at Jacob's well, Jesus revealed some profound statements of truth.  He tells her who He is and how we should worship.

     It was unusual for a woman to come to the well at noon.  This woman was probably embarrassed to come with the other women in the morning.  She was probably considered an outcast because of her reputation, yet she became a powerful evangelist.  Look at the difference between her departure from Jesus and the silent exit of Nicodemus in chapter 3.

     The world thirsts for sex, possessions, pride, and power.  The thirst of the world always leads to more thirst.  However, the soul's deepest thirst is for love, peace, joy, and meaning to our lives.  Those desires can only be satisfied in a personal relationship with the living God.  Do you ask the Lord to give you water to quench your deepest thirst?

     Jesus will always move us toward the recognition of seeing ourselves as sinners.  Never be discouraged by the fact that you are a sinner.  What a glorious discovery, when we know we have a Savior who died for our sin.  Jesus knew the worst about the woman at the well but still loved her as He does us.  She made no excuses about her sin.  She looked not at herself but at Him.  She left her pot at the well and ran back to the village to tell others.  What an example for us!  She put away the thoughts of what people would think of her and concentrated on what they would think of Jesus.  Look what she was able to do.  People poured out of the town to see Jesus.  Why did they listen to her?   Before meeting Jesus she was a mockery, yet now they listened and came!

     In order for a person to come to faith in Christ, someone must witness to them about Jesus.  Someone must be willing to step out in faith and share the Gospel message.  Then through the power of the Holy Spirit, a person establishes a personal relationship with Christ.  This relationship is based upon what Christ has done in their lives.  God is then able to speak to them by the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit and the power of His living word as revealed in the Bible.