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     Chapter 9 takes place the day after chapter 8.  This is the only miracle recorded where the sufferer was afflicted from birth.

     The Jewish leaders believed all personal suffering was the result of sin, either personal or from one's parents.  Jesus was never concerned with the cause of sin but how to relieve it!  We should never delve into secrets of another's life to make cruel surmises.  Jesus cared for the person.  The Pharisees cared for the concept of why this man was born blind.  There is never a pat answer for suffering or any other abuse in this world.  We do know that there is a Savior, who knows what it means to suffer.

     Jesus always seems to have one thought during His earthly ministry.  What does my Father want me to accomplish here?  That thought will also be helpful in our daily walk.

     The healing of the blind man reveals both inspiring and sad testimonies.  Look at the reaction of the Pharisees.  They would prefer to have found ways to discredit Jesus and the blind man rather than acknowledge the truth.  They chose to be blind to the obvious miracle that was before them.  Jesus interfered with their set ideas and authority structure, so they closed their eyes to the obvious.

     The parents of the blind man are another sad example.   They were more concerned about their standing in the synagogue than the fact that their son now could see.  You would think that they would be overjoyed by this miracle.  But they were afraid of what man would think rather than what Jesus had done.  Then we have the glorious, bold, and inspired testimony of the blind man.  Jesus then reveals Himself to the blind man.  Jesus never leaves any person alone who witnesses about Him.

     The Pharisees refused to see true light that was before them.  They would soon lose what little light they had.

     When we confess Jesus as Lord and begin to follow Him in our life there will be a cost. (John 9:34)  What side do you choose?  Are you holding on to s ome doubt or fear that prevents you from truly yielding your will to the living Savior?  Consider the difference between what you now have spiritually, to what you could have in Christ.  Christ provides unconditional love, personal companionship, and the knowledge of being filled with the presence of the Living God, able and sufficient to meet all your needs. (See Philippians 3:8, Luke 12:8.)