Part 3

The Freemasons

Albert Pike authored "Morals and Dogma" which became the Bible of Freemasonry. There he explained the mystery of the Craft to Initiates about to enter the 32nd Degree:

The Master Of The Royal Secret

The Occult Science of the Ancient Magi was concealed under the shadows of the Ancient Mysteries: it was imperfectly revealed or rather disfigured by the Gnostics: it is guessed at under the obscurities that cover the pretended crimes of the Templars, and it is found enveloped in enigmas that seem impenetrable, in the Rites of the Highest Masonry. Magism was the Science of Abraham and Orpheus, of Confucius and Zoroaster. . . ." Morals and Dogma [2]

Men have searched for meaning and understanding since the dawn of civilization. Why were we born, what is life about, how should society be organized? The Ancient Magi claimed they knew the answer to those questions and that they possessed secret knowledge, but they refused to share it with others. Down through the ages those who coveted power and riches sought their wisdom, but before they could receive instruction they had to swear terrible oaths promising never to reveal what they learned. The Ancient Wisdom has been the foundation of most esoteric societies; those who learned the secrets sometimes left clues to The Plan in pictures, woodcuts, and emblems, but most people failed to recognize them. [3] We see them every day on the back of the dollar bill, but only a handful of people realize their significance. [4] The Knights Templar discovered the Ancient Wisdom during the crusades. When they returned to Europe they brought their forbidden knowledge with them, and it became the source of their power. They became prominent bankers and accumulated great wealth. For over a century they dominated Europe. Then charges of heresy were lodged against them. Jacques DeMolay, their leader, was burned at the stake, and the Order was disbanded. [5] Alfred Waite, the author of The Encyclopedia of Freemasonry, wrote:

. . . if the Templars had a secret knowledge--and this is one hypothesis concerning them--it is certain to have been communicated from without the circle of chivalry, not to have originated in preceptory or chapter- house. To that secret centre the Order would have looked in the day of utter derelection, and could we turn in the same direction a light on this question of survival might yet reach us." [6]

Note the cumbersome wording of the passage. It is an example of esoteric writing where phrases are intentionally devised to confuse readers. What Alfred Waite is saying is: if we were to look to the secret knowledge of the Templars, we "might yet" understand if the Order continued after it was officially disbanded.

Almost two thousand years before the Order of the Templars was disbanded, the philosophers of ancient Greece sought the meaning of life. Pythagoras, then Socrates, followed by Plato, Aristotle, and Alexander the Great searched for truth. Eventually they embraced the Ancient Wisdom. It is impossible to understand Plato's concepts unless you realize that he had access to the secret knowledge. [7]

Pythagoras was born between 586 and 565 B.C. In an effort to acquire wisdom and knowledge, he traveled throughout the Near East. Upon returning to Europe he established a school at Croton, a Greek city in southern Italy. There he taught the mystical knowledge he had learned. Today he is known for his Theorem which forms one of the basics of geometry. Over 2400 years ago Pythagoras revealed that the area of the square on the hypotenuse of a right-angle triangle is equal to the sum of the areas of the squares on the other two sides, i.e. A square + B square = C square. We accept his Theorum as fact, but few people question how an obscure Greek philosopher with no mathematical training could have discovered such a complicated and complex concept. Where did Pythagoras acquire his knowledge? Adepts of the occult claim it was transmitted to him by the Sages, and that his Theorum was a product of the Ancient Wisdom. [8]

Most people look upon Plato as the father of Philosophy, but his concepts were founded in part on the ideas of Pythagoras and Socrates who preceded him, and they both had access to the secret knowledge. Plato advocated a Philosopher King and proclaimed that was the only solution to the problems that face mankind. He wrote:

Until philosophers are kings, or the kings and princes of this world have the spirit and power of philosophy, and political greatness and wisdom meet in one . . . and then only will this our State have a possibility of life and behold the light of day. [9]

Pythagoras taught Socrates, Socrates taught Plato, Plato taught Aristotle, and Aristotle taught Alexander the Great. When Alexander became the King of Macedonia he set out to conquer the world and establish himself as Philosopher King. His victories are legendary, and had he not died at 33 years of age without an heir, he might have united the world and fulfilled the quest of the Ancient Magi. [10]

Plato advocated a world ruler, and the intent of the Mystery Religions has always been to establish a world government under the rule of one man. The emblem on the back of the dollar bill symbolizes this goal. It portrays an incomplete Pyramid with a glorified triangle floating above. Manly P. Hall, the great Masonic philosopher, explained the significance of the emblem:

. . . the Pyramid represents human society itself, imperfect and incomplete. The structure's ascending converging angles and faces represent the common aspiration of humankind; above floats the symbol of the esoteric orders, the radiant triangle with its all-seeing eye. [11]

Adepts believe that when the capstone, the symbol of the secret societies, is lowered onto the top of the incomplete Pyramid, the Plan of the ages will be complete, the Novus Ordo Seclorum will be established, and the world ruler will be installed.

If you have a copy of my December letter, reread it. There was a plan to lower a golden capstone onto the top of the Great Pyramid at Giza at the stroke of midnight on December 31, 1999 to commemorate the advent of the new millennium, and what the new millennium will bring. Egyptian officials blocked the ceremony because they were told it was a Jewish-Masonic plot against their nation. [12]

The Plan goes back 6000 years, and it has never changed. The secret societies seek a world government under the rule of a Philosopher King - Satan. Then all people will be forced to worship their god. [13]

Dozens of organizations are striving for that goal today. The Council on Foreign Relations, the Bilderbergers, the Trilateral Commission, The Club of Rome, the Lucis Trust, the Communists, the Socialists, the Humanists, the leaders of Masonry, Theosophy, Rosacrucians, and the disciples of the New Age all work to establish a world government. Furthermore, the origins of all of those groups can be traced back directly, or indirectly, to the Mystery Religions. [14]

Those who have read my letters in the past know that Cecil John Rhodes established a secret society to take over control of the world. What is not widely know is that Rhodes, and most of his associates, were involved in the occult. Cecil Rhodes' mentor, Professor John Ruskin, was an occultist. He read Plato's books every day, and when he died, an occult swastika was engraved on his tombstone. [15]

Cecil Rhodes was a Mason, and when he entered the Craft he swore his allegiance to "the Light," which represents Lucifer. Whether he knew the significance of his oaths is unimportant. If he failed to renounce them, he lived under their influence, and they shaped his view of the world. Two of the three original members of his secret society were disciples of the occult. Lord Milner was a 33rd degree Mason, and William Stead was both a Spiritualist and a Theosophist. [16] Most of the men who joined his covert movement later were either Masons or members of the Society for Psychical Research, an organization dedicated to the study of the occult. [17] Thus we see the linkage between Rhodes' quest for world government and the dark forces that have plagued society since the beginning of time.

The Round Table was a front organization for Cecil Rhodes' secret society. Professor Quigley tells us that the goal of that group was to bring both the "Kingdom of Heaven" and "The Kingdom Of God" to earth." [18] From a theological point of view, only God can do that, but the members of the Round Table hoped to establish their kingdom without His help.

After Cecil Rhodes died, Lord Alfred Milner took control of his secret society. In 1919 Milner's men met with Colonel House's Inquiry and formulated a plan to create a world government. Their first objective was to establish front groups in all of the Commonwealth nations and the United States. Their front group here was the Council on Foreign Relations, and Colonel House was a founding member of that organization. [19] He was the most important political figure of modern times because he had the ability to control men's minds.

I began to study Colonel Edward Mandell House many years ago because I recognized he had played an important part in contemporary history, but I couldn't understand how he controlled those he came in contact with until I began to study occultism. Arthur Howden Smith knew Colonel House, and he commented on his mystic talent:

Colonel House would come into an office and say a few words quietly, and after he had gone you would suddenly become seized by a good idea. You would suggest that idea to your friends or superiors and be congratulated for it; it would work first rate, beyond your wildest dreams. You might forget about it. But some time, as sure as shooting, in cogitating proudfully over it, you would come to an abrupt realization that that idea had been oozed into your brain by Colonel House in the course of conversation. [20]

He then described Colonel House's account of his third meeting with Woodrow Wilson:

It was an evening several weeks later, when he had been paying me a . . . visit, that I said to Mr. Wilson as he rose to go: "Governor, isn't it strange that two men who never knew each other before should think so much alike?" He answered: "My dear fellow, we have known each other all our lives." [21]

By their third meeting, Woodrow Wilson was completely under Colonel House's control, and in total agreement with his views. Colonel House was well aware of his ability to control world leaders. I found an entry in his unpublished diary at Yale University where he bragged about how he had convinced Premier Clemenceau of France and Premier Orlando of Italy of something he knew wasn't true. In January 1919 both men feared the Bolsheviks would foment revolutions in their countries and wanted to send a military force to Russia to defeat them. Colonel House wrote:

I had a heart to heart talk with Clemenceau [Premier of France] about Bolshevism in Russia and its westward march. I made him confess that military intervention was impossible. . . . Later in the afternoon when Orlando [Premier of Italy] called, I gave him very much the same kind of talk, and he too, agreed with my conclusions. I am trying, and have partially succeeded, to frighten not only the President [Wilson] but the English, French and Italians regarding what might be termed "the Russian peril." . . . I would not confess that military intervention was an impossibility, because I believe that it could be successfully accomp- lished if gone about properly. A voluntary and a mercenary army of very small proportions, equipped with artillery and tanks, would in my opinion do the work. [22]

Here Colonel House admitted that he "made" both men "confess" that an attempt to use military force against the Bolsheviks would be unsuccessful, yet he knew that wasn't true. This is an example of how Colonel House was able to "ooze" ideas into the minds of the leaders of the Western world. Why did he want to protect the Bolsheviks? Because he wanted an enemy so the American people would rally behind their leaders. Had it not been for the threat of communism, our people would never have been willing to support the expansion of government control over their lives. Plato wrote about that concept:

When the tyrant has disposed of foreign enemies by conquest or treaty, and there is nothing to fear from them, then he is always stirring up some war or other, in order that the people may require a leader. [23]

James W. Gerard was the American Ambassador to Germany during World War I. In his book My First Eighty-Three Years in America he related another story which demonstrates Colonel House's control of Woodrow Wilson. In February 1915 representatives from the German government contacted Ambassador Gerard and asked him to tell President Wilson that they wanted to stop the war. Ambassador Gerard sent President Wilson a message, but Colonel House replied to his message, and told him that henceforth all communications with President Wilson were to be sent through him. Ambassador Gerard wrote:

In addition to the cable which I had already received informing me that Colonel House was "fully commissioned to act" he himself reminded me of my duty in his February 16 postscript. In his own handwriting were those words from House: "The President has just repeated to me your cablegram to him, and says he has asked you to commmunicate directly with me in the future. . . ." All authority, therefore, had been vested in Colonel House, and as I was directed to report to Colonel House direct, the President ceased to be even a conduit of communications. [24]

Then Ambassador Gerard commented on the power that Colonel House had assumed:

He, who had never been appointed to any position, and who had never been passed upon by the Senate, was "fully instructed and commissioned" to act in the most grave situation. I have never ceased to wonder how he had managed to attain such power and influence. [25]

Colonel House controlled Woodrow Wilson, and the President of the United States did his bidding. Later Colonel House controlled President Roosevelt, and much of the social legislation enacted during President Roosevelt's term in office involved programs Colonel House advocated. When I went through Colonel House's papers at Yale University I found dozens of personal letters President Roosevelt had sent to him. Where did he obtain his ability to control people's minds? In their book, Spiritual Politics, Corinne McLaughlin and Gordon Davidson wrote:

Colonel Edward Mandell House . . . was guided inwardly to bring the idea of a League of Nations to the world. Colonel House was a quiet, self- effacing adviser with tremendous dedication, practical intelligence, and skill. "By his idealism he touched those belonging to the Inner Government of the world, and by his mastery of practical politics he was able to influence those who governed the outer," noted metaphysician Theodore Heline. [26]

If you read Theodore Heline's material you will find that Colonel House was a disciple of the occult. He could control others because he possessed mystical power. His purpose was to "bring the idea of a League of Nations to the world" - i.e. a world government.

They are using the financial and military power of our nation to force all countries to submit to the rule of the Novus Ordo Seclorum. The world government will provide a throne for the Antichrist.

Yours in Christ,

Stanley Monteith, M.D.

Last Part 1;   Part 2


1. Martin Luther, "A Mighty Fortress Is Our God," One Hundred & One Famous Hymns, Hallberg Publishing Corporation, Delavan, WI, 1982, p. 21.
2. Albert Pike, Morals and Dogma, Published by the Supreme Council of the Thirty-third Degree for the Southern Jurisdiction of the United States, 1871, p. 839.
3. Manly P. Hall, The Secret Teachings of All Ages, The Philosophical Research Society, Los Angeles, CA.
4. Corinne McLaughlin and Gordon Davidson, Spiritual Politics, Ballantine Books, New York, 1994, p. 297.
5. Arthur Edward Waite, A New Encyclopaedia of Freemasonry, Volume II, Wings Books, New York, 1996, pp. 217-240.
6. Corinne McLaughlin, op cit, p. 15.
7. Ibid, pp. 5, 15, 175, 201 202 , 205.
8. Section on Pythagoras, Encyclopedia Americana, 1966 Edition, New York, Volume 23, pp. 49-50a.
9. John Bartlett, Bartlett's Familiar Quotations, Little Brown and Co, Boston, 1980, p. 84.
10. Encyclopedia Americana, op cit, Volume I, p. 367.
11. Manly P. Hall, The Secret Destiny of America, The Philosophic Research Society, Los Angeles, Ca., pp. 178-9.
12. See December, 1999, Radio Liberty Newsletter.
13. Letter from the Lucis Trust, 1998: Copies are available on request.
14. The Brotherhood of Darkness Video, available from Radio Liberty at 800-544-8927.
15. Dennis Cuddy, Secret Records Revealed, Hearthstone Press, 1999, pp. 8-9.
16. John Daniel, Scarlet and The Beast, JKI Publishing, Tyler, TX. 1995, p. 930.
17. Carroll Quigley, The Anglo-American Establishment, Books in Focus, New York City, 1981, pp. 31-32.
18. Carroll Quigley, Tragedy and Hope: A History Of The World In Our Time, Macmillan Co, New York, 1966, pp. 146-7.
19. ibid, 951-52.
20. Arthur Howden Smith, The Real Colonel House, George H. Doran Co, New York, 1918, pp. 120-21.
21. Ibid, pp. 94-5.
22. Dennis Cuddy, Secret Record Revealed, Hearthstone Press, 1999, pp. 34-35. A copy of the page from the original diary is available to researchers.
23. John Bartlett, op cit, p. 85.
24. James W. Gerard, My First Eighty-Three Years in America, Doubleday & Co. Garden City, NY, 1951, p. 229.
25. ibid, 230.
26. Corinne McLaughlin et al, op cit, p. 248.
27. Martin Luther, op cit.