Our world is witnessing
the spirit of Babylon rising once
again, where man is seeking to glorify himself at the expense of
God. The modern word which describes this phenomenon is
‘humanism’. Yet the idea is anything but modern.

Pieter Brueghel - painting of the Tower of Babel
The manifestations of humanism, and its prideful path can be
traced all the way back to ancient Babylon. There, on the banks
of the Euphrates River, Nimrod, the King of Babylon, and his
seductive Queen, Semiramis, oversaw the building of a huge and
unholy architectural monstrosity, the Tower of Babel. This story,
out of Genesis 11:1-9, has delivered into the English language
the word ‘babble’ which reflects the confusion of
speech that God imposed on the world at that time.
The Scripture tells us that "the whole earth had one language
and one speech." The reason God intervened to confuse speech and
scatter them over the face of the earth was to prevent mankind
fulfilling its immediate aim – to establish a One World
Order and unite all nations and peoples in the worship of
Lucifer, the deity recognized by the ancients under such names as
Baal, Marduk, and Nebo.
Today, our planet is experiencing a great revival of the style
of government and worship that was the norm in Nimrod’s
Babylon. This was prophesied to occur in Revelation 17 & 18
where we find that this End Times phenomenon is described as the
rising of Mystery Babylon. That time is come, and once again, we
find that man is building yet another towering edifice of evil,
which is the fruit of man’s fallen character. However, this
time the Tower is more a spiritual idea than it is bricks and
mortar, although the finished work will be a system of absolute
control, both spiritual, political and economic, with worldwide
influence, pursuing the exact same goals in the exact same way as
its ancient predecessor. At this point we must turn to Scripture
and see what the Bible declares regarding this End Times
manifestation of spiritual Babylon. The first Scripture appears
in Revelation 17:1b-5 – "Come, I will show you the
judgment of the great harlot who sits on many waters, with whom
the kings of the earth committed fornication, and the inhabitants
of the earth were made drunk with the wine of her fornication. So
he carried me away in the Spirit into the wilderness. And I saw a
WOMAN SITTING ON A SCARLET BEAST which was full of names of
blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns. The woman was
arrayed in purple and scarlet, and adorned with gold and precious
stones and pearls, having in her hand a golden cup full of
abominations and the filthiness of her fornication. And on her
forehead a name was written: MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE
woman, drunk with the blood of the saints and with the blood of
the martyrs of Jesus. And when I saw her, I marveled with great
amazement." NKJV
Revelation 17:7-10 has John the Revelator explaining the
"mystery" surrounding the identity of Mystery Babylon. He records
– "But the angel said to me, ‘Why did you marvel?
I will tell you the mystery of the woman and of the beast that
carries her, which has the seven heads and the ten horns. The
beast that you saw was, and is not, and will ascend out of the
bottomless pit and go to perdition. And those who dwell on the
earth will marvel, whose names are not written in the Book of
Life from the foundation of the world, when they see the beast
that was, and is not, and yet is. Here is the mind which has
wisdom: The seven heads are seven mountains on which the woman
sits. There are also seven kings. Five have fallen, one is, and
the other has not yet come. And when he comes, he must continue a
short time.’" NKJV
This description flows hand-in-glove with the Book of Daniel,
and confirms the prophetic words of Bible prophecy that 7 world
kingdoms of man must rise and fall before the unshakeable and
eternal kingdom of the living God will finally bring in
everlasting righteousness. We await the final world kingdom,
which is presented in the "metal kingdom" image of Daniel 2, as
being feet of iron and clay, strength combined with weakness. The
short time this Kingdom will have power is prophesied to be
3½ years and we know this time to be the period that is
commonly called the Great Tribulation.
The woman sitting on the Beast is typified in 2 ways
The apostate harlot church, or religious Babylon and
Commercial/Political Babylon which is the world system of
politics and economics judged by God in Revelation 18.
We can see then, that one part of this demonic strategy is a
religious system and the other a political/economic system. Both
combine as Babylon the Great, and is symbolized by the Woman
sitting on the Beast. This duopoly requires two leaders and so we
have the embodiment of the demonic Trinity. SATAN empowers the
new rising of Babylon with the emergence of the FALSE PROPHET to
rule over the One World religious system, and the revealing of
the ANTICHRIST to rule over the economic system. They will
eventually wield total power.
The rise of Babylon will lead the nations of the earth into
spiritual adultery - In the Old Testament Israel was described as
an adulterous nation because she often cheated on the Lord and
turned to other gods. The same should be understood of the new
Babylonic system. She is a power that has rejected God and turned
to other forms of worship, the first being idolatry and the
second materialism. Revelation clearly teaches this. The seeds of
this last great Empire are already sown and are growing before
our very eyes.
The final World Kingdom of Nebuchadnezzar’s dream will
be that ruled by Antichrist. This will be an economic and
religious system which will be the fulfillment of the dream of a
New World Order, which will be European in rule, and see the
consummation of Mystery Babylon. Sinful man’s innate desire
to rule himself being seen once again, in a new, revived,
spiritual and economic Tower of Babel. It is no coincidence that
the things that marked the old also mark the new, because it is
the same spirit.
Is it possible to see real signs that this is happening before
our very eyes? Absolutely! In the 1500’s, Pieter Brueghel
painted his version of the Tower of Babel. A reproduction of this
painting appears above.

EU Building in Strasbourg
Nearly 500 years later, the concept and architecture of that
which Brueghel imagined has been reproduced in real life by none
other than the European Union.
The EU building in Strasbourg is modeled on the original Tower
of Babel as painted by Brueghel. The logic behind this symbolism
is the EU says it is seeking to "build up the house of Europe"- a
task yet to be completed.
The building is complete and in use, but is designed to look
unfinished, and even has ringed platforms to represent
scaffolding. Here is the scary part. A reporter questioning "Why
the Tower of Babel" as a design concept, was answered in an
astounding way by an EU official. He said, "What they failed to
complete 3000 years ago – we in Europe will finish now!"
Here we see the staggering proof of this New World Order in its
formative, yet rapidly advancing stages.

Montage of Brugel - Tower of Babel
and the EU Building
But that is only the start! Remember we mentioned the woman
sitting on a scarlet beast called Mystery Babylon? This image
comes from Greek mythology and is known as The RAPE OF EUROPA.
The legend recounts the story of Europa, who was abducted by the
Greek god Zeus who came in the form of a beast, carried her away
to a far place, then revealed his real identity and sexually
abused her. One of the more famous paintings of the Rape of
Europa is reproduced here.
Unbelievably, this story of Europa, which parallels the women
riding the beast in Revelation, is being used as the logo of the
EU. It seems impossible to believe. It stretches our credibility
to the limit to think that the Officials of a group of nations
would collectively agree in sober and rational discussion to
produce such an image as representative of their union.
Nevertheless it is true.
There is another power operating however, which is
manipulating the situation. The decision makers of the EU are
simply pawns in a cosmic game of chess where the Grandmaster of
sin is making his moves with his demonic character stamped all
over it. He will not enjoy the end game however, which is an
eternal trip to the lake of fire.
The Rape of Europa is now immortalized again, not by
paintings, but in a number of ways, which brings Mystery Babylon
sharply into focus in the very days we are living in. Here are
some of them - The woman riding the beast appears as a major
sculpture, standing outside the entrance to the EU headquarters
in Strasbourg. We have the evidence for you by way of a colour
photo of the sculpture.

European stamps and Euro Coin depicting
the Woman on the Beast
A Postage Stamp was recently released in Britain. Under the
banner of the EU, this stamp shows a graphic rendition of the
Rape of Europa. In Germany, credit cards have this same image
imprinted on them. In the previous issue of Omega Times we
carried a picture of a coin in the Letters page. We reproduce it
here. The relatively new Euro coinage has the Woman on the Beast
appearing on the 2 Euro coin. Many of our European readers will
have handled this coin many times without realizing just what it
These things are more than coincidence. Yet we are thankful to
God that He has revealed the hidden things to His Church in these
last days, so that we have understanding of what is happening.
The myriad number of groups, governments, societies and
interest groups who are working toward a New World Order are
gradually placing all the necessary things in order to facilitate
the revived dream of Babel. The Nimrod’s of this world,
along with their supporters, will have their day in the sun, but
it will be woefully brief, considering the length of the fate of
those who will be the players in this scenario.

Statue outside EU Building
Simply stated, it
will be 3½ years of absolute power, then Mystery Babylon, and all its evil system, will be confronted
by the one who John reveals in Revelation 11 – the one who
appears suddenly from heaven, seated on a white horse. He is
called Faithful and True, and He judges and makes war. He is
clothed in a robe dipped in blood and His name is called the Word
of God.